Símbolo de Cinestrenos.com

estrenos de cine

Hal Walker

Hal Walker

Hal Walker


Filmografía como director:

¡Vaya par de marinos! (1952)
    ...T.O.: Sailor Beware

Camino a Bali (1952)
    ...T.O.: Road to Bali

That's My Boy (1951)
    ...T.O.: That's My Boy

My Friend Irma Goes West (1950)
    ...T.O.: My Friend Irma Goes West

At War with the Army (1950)
    ...T.O.: At War with the Army

Road to Utopia (1946)
    ...T.O.: Road to Utopia

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

Perfil | Filmografía

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